Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thank You Dad!

This is a picture of my dad (Fran's) from about 20 or 30 years ago. I think that Fathers Day is the perfect opportunity to thank him for what he has done for our family. He has done so much for us, but currently, our adoption would not be possible if it werent for him. His years of hard work, love, generosity, and dedication have enabled us to even think about the adoption. He was a brilliant man, and a great mathematician. He had a great sense of humor. And I dont mean to talk about him as if he was no longer with us, because I am blessed that I still have him. He is 79 now, however, Alzheimers has destroyed the man he used to be. I know that now he doesnt even remember me, but I could never ever forget what a wonderfual father he was and still is. He still has that sense of humor, and in his own way and a very different way, he has this peace about him. He is precious to me. I dont live near enough to him, but he is always in my heart. Not a day goes by I dont think about him and pray for him. And yet all I've said still doesnt even scratch the surface of how much I owe him. I love you daddy, and thank God He blessed me with you as a father. Have a great day! Miss you! And I cannot wait to post a pic of him with his newest and youngest grandaughter, Annsleigh.


Amanda said...

This is a beautiful post. I'm sorry you've had to deal with the effects of alzheimers.

I cannot imagine what you're going through.

But, Happy Father's Day to your father-the man he was and the man he is. :)