Friday, June 27, 2008

Taking 4 Giant Steps Forward!!!!

Yesterday was just the most exciting day yet in our adoption process. Four families got the call for their referrals. And Lisa & Shawn were one of the families!!!!!! They have been waiting for over 6 months just for the referral. All the families are over the moon and dont even remember the long wait. I am just ecstatic for all of them, and also because of all these referrals, that moves us up I think rather quckly to # 61ish!?!?!? WOW! This has been a very big month in the Ethiopia program!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Taking A Baby Step

I was really looking for some kind of other pic to post as far as taking a baby step goes, cuz we have taken one baby step up to maybe #65 on the waiting list. Another very blessed family received their referral yesterday! Congratulations to them! But, I just had to post this very amazing photo I came across of a tiny foot pressing against his mommas belly. That is amazing. I have had 3 biological children, but I have WAY TOO MUCH body fat to have been able to see this. I thought is was incredible! If any of my fellow bloggers have ever been able to see this themselves if they've been pregnant I would really like to know.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Six Referrals Today!

After what seemed like a long dry spell of no new referrals, CHI finally came through for 4 families/ 6 children. We are so happy for all of you and cant wait for court dates and pics. That should move us up to maybe #66 on the list now. However, this still doesnt seem to make up for all the devestation in Ethiopia today. There are so many children dying there (and their families) due to drought and near famine conditions. Check out this site to see how our children are having to live:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thank You Dad!

This is a picture of my dad (Fran's) from about 20 or 30 years ago. I think that Fathers Day is the perfect opportunity to thank him for what he has done for our family. He has done so much for us, but currently, our adoption would not be possible if it werent for him. His years of hard work, love, generosity, and dedication have enabled us to even think about the adoption. He was a brilliant man, and a great mathematician. He had a great sense of humor. And I dont mean to talk about him as if he was no longer with us, because I am blessed that I still have him. He is 79 now, however, Alzheimers has destroyed the man he used to be. I know that now he doesnt even remember me, but I could never ever forget what a wonderfual father he was and still is. He still has that sense of humor, and in his own way and a very different way, he has this peace about him. He is precious to me. I dont live near enough to him, but he is always in my heart. Not a day goes by I dont think about him and pray for him. And yet all I've said still doesnt even scratch the surface of how much I owe him. I love you daddy, and thank God He blessed me with you as a father. Have a great day! Miss you! And I cannot wait to post a pic of him with his newest and youngest grandaughter, Annsleigh.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Are Officially Waiting!

As of today, we are officially on the waiting for a referral list! We may be the last in line, the bottom of the list, maybe #70? or so, but, we couldnt be happier to be there! It feels great to be done with all the paperwork and just wait and work on Annsleigh's room. I've been dreaming of her little face. Wonder if she is born yet. Wonder how her mother is, with the famine and drought. I pray for her and her mother. What will be so exciting for us will possibly be a tragedy for her. So, how can I pray for a quick referral? Yes, we cannot wait to hold our baby, but I realize this means her mother has had a broken heart and/or is tragically ill. Lord, help us be patient as Annsleigh is lovingly surrendered by a mother who loves her so much to give her a future. I know I would do anything for our son Bradley, but to think that some mothers have to make such a choice as a matter of life or death is humbling.

By the way, by the time I got done typing these thoughts, I got so excited to see that it is actually raining in Ethiopia right now!!!!! Thank you Lord! Send more their way!!