Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Whats In Her Name

This is Brad, Frans husband. What is in a name? When we came up with her name it had alot to do with our family. The Ann part as you all know is named after my lovely wife Francine Ann Hoagland. The Leigh part is named after my sister Terri Leigh Neely. Her middle name Lynn is named after to very very special people. One would have been my step daughter Amanda Lynn Merritt, i never got to meet her i wished i would have she was a very beautiful young lady. The other very special person she is named after is my oldest sister Tracy Lynn Hoagland, She was very special to me she did alot of thing for me. She was killed in a car accident when i was 16 years old it crushed me. I told myself if i ever had a daughter her name would be part of my daughters name. Annsleigh Lynn Hoagland is very special to Fran and I, shes part of my step daughter and my wife, and sisters. She is going to be very special to me.


atHisrighthand said...

That is very beautiful. I love that you really really thought this name out and picked it for a very special reason. Our girls are also named after special people to us. this is wonderful..

In all our craziness I never got to congratulate you on your referral. I am so very very happy and excited for you! Can't wait to hear of you having this precious girl in your arms! Anyhow.. Congrats!!!!!!!


Teresa said...

What a perfect name with such special meaning. I'm sure Annsleigh will proudly carry her name.

Erin Sager said...

Fran thanks for all your support. This has not been easy but Im trying to deal the best I can, I appreciate all your sweet post...Looking forward to seeing pics of your sweet Annsleigh

Annie said...

WOW! Just beautiful. I loved reading the background of how you came up with her name. Can't wait to see her photo in just a little over a month :)