Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday Tornado

This is what came through our city of Murfreesboro on Good Friday, 2009. It was devestating! Very frightening. Many many families lost their homes, and one young mother and her 9 week old baby lost their lives as they fled for safety. We are fine. We are very grateful and thank God for that. I was at work at the hospital when this was going on. We had always practiced what to do when an outside disaster strikes, but really never thought it would happen. What happened that day was sickening. Grown men crying on strechers. Entire families battered and bleeding, their children skinned from head to toe with their clothes hanging off of them. The loss of life. When I got home that night, I just hugged my child and husband and didnt want to let go. To beat all, it wasnt even 1 1/2 weeks earlier that we already had a smaller tornado rip through one street in town wiping out a movie theater and strip mall. Today I drove through one of the hardest hit neighborhoods, a house I lived in 3 years ago. The subdivision looks like a bomb, no, several bombs went off. Words cannot describe what is left, and what is simply gone. There are so many displaced families. It will take forever to rebuild and replace. Now, as I type this, thunder is rumbling again, and I cannot help but get skiddish when storms come around. And, I live in a subdivision that was destroyed by a tornado 10 years ago. We do not have basements here. Most people dont. And, the homes lost were not just mobile homes. They were even brick. So, I hope we can invest in a storm shelter. In the meantime, just please pray for all these displaced families. It will be a long time before they can get back to any normalcy of life.


Frances Williams said...

wow, Scott's mom told us about the tornadoes in their area, I didn't realize how bad it was. So thankful you guys are safe and praying for your community.

Missy said...

I'm so glad you are safe!!! What horrible devastation!

Annie said...

Thank God you were okay. How scary!

The Parsons Flock said...

wow, how scary. so glad you guys made it through ok.