Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Waiting 16 weeks Now!

I cannot believe we have been waiting 4 monrhs now. And very soon, courts in Ethiopia which have been closed for the rainy season will reopen and I feel that referrals will come quicker. I still anticipate to get our referral ( which is when we first get our call about our baby girl and see her for the first time in an e-mail pic) at about Christmas time and travel to bring her home the first of the year. Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised though and hear sooner. Anyway, I have been doing a little bit of nesting and spent today in her room getting her crib put together. And as soon as Bradley got home from school, he noticed it and climbed in. He fits in there pretty good and wants to sleep with Annsleigh. I thought that was sweet. In the meantime, her first doll "Anna" is patiently waiting there for her.


Erin Sager said...

Where right there with you, I'm guessing Christmas referal would be wonderful, or sooner of course! Let's hope when they reopen it goes a lot quicker!!!!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Yes, Christmas sounds great!!!! :) The nursery looks great!

Annie said...

the nursery is so sweet!!!

hope you hear sooner :)

Erin Sager said...

Hi Fran, so sorry haven't seen any Africa light switches, but it sure does sound cute!!!

Erin Sager said...

you got me thinking, maybe I could figure out how to make a night lite with the decal, I'll get back to you on that............

Fine family said...

I love the picket fence and the bedding is so sweet the room is looking great! My boys are saying the samething about sleeping with Hasina when she gets here. My oldest is learning about fire safty at school so he has decided that it would be better if he sleeps with her so he can open her window if there was a fire. They are getting very excited hope it happens soon!

Frances Williams said...

We agree, referrals coming in quicker would be AWESOME!! So jealous, the room looks great! That is the hard thing about not being specific about the gender...I don't know what kinds of things to buy(-:

By the way, your son is adorable!

Elizabeth said...

Hey Fran! I emailed you this week and wanted to be sure you received it. Tanya was thinking you may have changed your email. If you did, leave me a comment on my blog with your new address.