Monday, September 8, 2008

More Referrals!

Finally, after 2 long months, our agency has called 2 families today with news of referrals! What lucky families they are! Both babies are boys. One is 9 months old and the other is only 6 weeks old. How precious is that? For those not familiar with what this means, it means these families are called that they have a baby picked our for them. These families are e-mailed their first glimpses of their baby by e-mail along with any info on the infant/or infants birth family. The families have to contemplate accepting the referral. ( I think as soon as I see the pic, it's a done deal for me). All this really means that we move up the list to about #57ish. But, not all the waiting families are waiting for a less than 6 month old baby girl as we are. Some are waiting for boys, older baby girls, or siblings. So I realize that this number is bogus. But, trying to keep track of it helps me focus on any movement closer to us getting our referral call about Annsleigh. Hope there are more referrals soon!


Anonymous said...

yipiee! yesterday was a good day :)

LISA said...

Hope the referrals start pouring in now!!