Saturday, September 13, 2008

Threee More Referrals Yesterday!

So happy for all the families! Another 9 month old boy (unless it is the same one as the day before, but I like to think not!), a 6 month old boy, and a 6 year old girl all got forever families yesterday. That moves us up up up the list! And things should really keep moving as October nears and the rainy season comes to an end. I feel like I want to work on Annsleigh's room, but I am waiting for my sister in law to finish painting a "garden" in her room before we get the crib together. It would feel more real if it was all done. But, I have learned that it is very true that good things do indeed come to those that wait. ( We are about # 53 now in line for Annsleigh!)


Frances Williams said...

I haven't read very many blogs this whole summer, so I am trying to catch up on some that I remember loving to read. How are you doing?? SO excited that the referrals have started again!!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

WHOO-HOO!!!!! Let is start raining again! :) We're getting closer! :)

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

clarify . . . let it start raining referrals. :)

Fine family said...

That's funny I am also doing a garden type room for our baby girl where ever she may be :o) I am with the above comment "let it start raining referrals please!!!!"