Sunday, August 9, 2009

Court Date Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow is the very very long awaited day. This month has gone by extremely slow for us, despite us trying to get out and do things to take our mind off our problems. But, it would not be normal to be able to go on with life with one of your children being missed sooooo intensely. We got an updated video of Annsleigh in the mail the other day from our agency. I wish I could say it made me feel good. It did not. She once again just looks so so sad and not stimulated, kind of with a flat affect. That really worries me. She is looking like "this is taking entirely toooo long. My mommy and daddy are sure taking a long time to come get me :( Breaks my heart. She needs to be home and thats all there is to it. She is very very chubby, though. So physically she is thriving, but emotionally she looks very blank in the face. Maybe she was just tired, but all her pics, she looks like this. I cant understand why my good Lord would have allowed it to take this long because it just isnt what my mortal eyes can see. I know He knows, but I would never want any of my children to suffer "because its part of His plan". I struggle with this. I have in the past too. Anyway, I will now thank my good Lord in advance for seeing to it that everything tomorrow has gone well and that we have reason to celebrate.


Tony and Kathy said...

I'll be thinking about you and praying that you pass court. Hang in there, you are so close!

Kathy Olson (CHI family)

kc said...

just to let you know someone out here in the world connected by adoption is thinking of you and praying your court date is successful.
Your child is beautiful, I think her eyes hold a world of love for you and she's just waiting to show you that...hang in there, i know it's hard.


Amanda said...

I'm hoping that you receive nothing but good news tomorrow. Real good news...not the kind that can be taken away.

Erica said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am praying that all goes well in ET tomorrow. Annsleigh is just beautiful, and I am so glad that she is eating well and thriving physically. My prayer is that you will sleep well tonight while trusting that God is in ET making sure that Annsleigh is coming home soon!

Erica R.

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

praying right this very second for you guys. :)

Missy said...

Oh, Fran!! I am sending so many prayers and positive vibes and whatever it takes your way tonight!!!! HOPING for the best news ever for you!!!!

Frances Williams said...

praying on your behalf right now. praying God unites your beautiful family and lets nothing else get in the way of that. praying you get to hold your little angel in your arms so very soon.
