Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nope, It Was Not Us....

6 (I think) very lucky families got a referral call yesterday. All were toddler and older and sibling groups and boys too, except there was one 3 month old baby girl. I really am happy for all these families, but very confused as to if and when this will happen. Trying to do better about not starring at the phone and not even jumping when the phone rings an outside line at work. Its really strange to feel in limbo. Just when you think we should be so excited to be at the top of the list, we are downright frustrated. Feel like we arent supposed to question if they still have our file. And know full and well that it just is not our specially selected baby's turn. Anyway, I just dont want this to get into a possible court date when the rainy season comes in August and everything comes to a screeching halt.


Becky said...

I have been following your blog and really hope you get the "call" soon. Hang in there!

Missy said...

I'm so sorry, Fran...I thought you and Erin were #1 & #2. I really can not believe that this is taking sooo long!!! We just need NO MORE DRY SPELLS!!!!!

Teresa said...

You are moving up! Every referral is one step closer to Annsleigh. Keep the referrals coming!!

Erin Sager said...

Painful week, I hope more excitement happens soon, thinking about you...Erin

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is out there and will be in your arms soon. Good luck to you both!

elisa said...

You will not miss the courtdate cut off. You can't! Court dates are still in May. NOw, we on the other hand are starting to freak out! We are about six for girls and if that happens, I totally will loose it! You and Erin are going to get that call soon and I can't wait to hear about it.

Angela said...

Thinking of you... hang in there.

Amanda and John said...

Fran....thinking of you. The wait is crazy, its hard to have that timeline and then have it change. Argh! I am hoping you will hear soon.

Frances Williams said...

i headed right over here after reading the post on the yahoo groups. praying it comes this week!

Special Delivery said...

Thinking of you and hoping SO MUCH that this is your week! I am so sorry that this is taking so long for you! It's true, with every referral, you are one step closer! I hope that gives you some sort of comfort! You will continue to be on our minds and in our hearts!

The Parsons Flock said...

So sorry to hear that you are still waiting also. Maybe the next batch of referrals will have girls for us both! If not, ugh, there are just no words to describe what a waiting mom is going through.