Tuesday, March 10, 2009

40 weeks!

Well, we have just finished hitting our waiting of 40 weeks now. Sorry this blog is just so boring, but it is our adoption blog and there just is not anything going on. I could post about random goings ons in our lives that have nothing to do with getting Annsleigh, but that is not the purpose of this blog. So, I will just leave it at that. Just a post about a whole lotta nothin. I cannot even verbalize the irritation already in everyday that passes without a call. When someone asks me if we heard yet, I smile and say on no, just waiting. Still waiting! When all the while I just dont even want to talk about it anymore. I guess that explains the lack of any blogging. I dont even want to talk about how nothing is happening. I do know full and well that God is doing a whole lot behind the scenes, but I just cant help but know that my sweet baby is just laying around in a crib in a dismal orphanage probably crying hungry and is maybe third or fourth down the row to be fed. Or, worse, having a bottle propped in her mouth while she sweetly lays there with no warm mother holding her up against her. No mother's hand in hers as she eats. No mother nuzzling the sweet little rolls under her chin when she is burped. Burped! Forget that, she probably is just having to lay there and burp herself and spit up all over her already soiled clothes. Okay, I just gotta hold her. My patience is gone. Lord, give me patience and peace of mind to know that You have it all under control! AMEN!


Christina Hubbard said...

Praying for peace along with you today!

Teresa said...

Praying that your referral comes very soon! If Annsleigh is in the HOH she is being well taken care of. I had always heard how wonderful the nannies are at the HOH but couldn't believe it until I saw it myself. They love these little ones so much and take very good care of them. Of course she isn't getting the love that only a mommy could give but her needs are being met. I understand how you feel and my heart aches for you. The wait is painful. Soon my friend.

Missy said...

I can only imagine how tough it is for you!!! (We will be in your place in about 6 weeks!) I hope she is already at the HOH, just waiting for you to receive THE CALL!!!

Frances Williams said...

I second that!! When we were there they had babies at the HOH that had not been referred yet. They were waiting until they were healthy, etc. I pray yours is there being taken care of and loved and that they will call you like yesterday!

Justine said...

I know how you feel! I just feel irritated lately and so, so fed up with "the wait". I keep thinking there has to be another group of referrals soon and then, the week drags on. I feel your pain and am right there with you!

elisa said...

We are just a few families behind you and I know you are going crazy being at the top of the list so long. I'm soooooo tired of telling everyone, "Soon!" Seriously, I'm getting really bitter. OKay, enough of me! So promise you'll let us all know asap when you get that call!

Annie said...

40 weeks is a long heart goes out to you. I remember tears forming in my eyes when people asked and I had no news. It's very tough. hugs--

Erin Sager said...

Im dying for referrals, come on baby girls!!!!

Special Delivery said...

You are STILL in my thoughts and prayers! Come on baby girls! They really are quite the blessing!

Mom to many said...

Praying it is this week! I am thinking of you - - - Hang in there!