Wednesday, July 2, 2008

One Month Down!

Just want to give a cheer to 1 month done waiting for a referral! I cannot say it went by as fast as I thought it would, but the next few months will be very busy for us, so maybe it will go by quicker. My best friend/sister and her family have moved down here to TN from Chicago and we will be helping them get settled in a new home. And we have to work on Annsleigh's room. Plus work like we always do, so hopefully that will keep my mind off the days that pass, so heres to starting our second month!


angie said...

happy one month!! hopefully it won't be too many more!!

keep busy :)

atHisrighthand said...

Yeah to one month! Phew..!


Annie said...

keeping busy is always a good distraction to the wait...congrats on having one month behind you!

Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Hooray for 1 month! Yes, staying busy is the key... and when you figure out how to stay busy enough to not think about it constantly, let me know! :)

LISA said...

Yayyy!! 1 month!!

Steve and Aimee Walker said...

Hopefully the referrals keep coming so you won't have many more months. Doesn't it seem like just last week you were working on the Dossier? I know our wait has gone quickly.