Friday, May 16, 2008

The Paperwork Is Done!

This is what Brad & I did today wihen our last piece of paper got fed ex'd to St Louis. We paid a little extra so it will be there by Monday AM. Then, we hope to hear in about 2 weeks that we are officially waiting. Now, we can start the fun part of really working on Annsleigh's room. It feels good to have all this done and now it is all in Gods hands.


Anonymous said...

congrats!! you guys should go out and celebrate this weekend...and maybe even make a little purchase for miss annsleigh :)


Nathan and Stefany Head said...

Congrats! I love the high-five picture! Great idea! Looks like our dossier might be traveling with yours! How fun!

Annie said...

What a great feeling!! Congrats!

LISA said...


Mom to many said...

Yay!!! Now the waiting begins. I really LOVED that feeling of getting it mailed off - it is now out of your hands. Congrats.

Amanda said...


I thought I'd join in the celebration.

I'm so happy for you guys!

We'll hopefully be added to the wait list this week, so you'll be just behind us....(though, you may get your referral before us, because we're requesting siblings).

Anyhow-I look forward to waiting with you!

I'm so excited :)

atHisrighthand said...

phew! Sigh of relief! Isn't it wonderful! it is a great feeling! Yes it is all in God's hands. Right where it should be...Why I always try and take it out by worrying is beyond me.... hahah
take care,

Stacie said...

Congrats! It is such a great feeling isn't it?

Anonymous said...

YEAH! What a great feeling! The hard part will be leaving it in God's hands when the waiting seems too long!
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Look to Him in all of your ways and He will make your path straight!"

Mom to many said...

Just wanted to comment on the sling you asked about on my blog. I got the brand Balboa Baby and it was $59... seems a bit spendy, but... I think it was the most comfortable. I bought it from a baby specialty store, but I bet you can google it and find it anywhere online. Good luck... How is the waiting going? I am not good at that...