Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stalk the Mailman

I am starting to stalk my mailman, and for good reason! We received our notarized copies of our completed homestudy in the mail yesterday! So, another copy is off to CIS. Now when we get 2 more notarized reference letters, we are ready to take our dossier to the county to get certified. I did go to another very nice MD and get my notarized medical letter done, by the way. I am so glad to be moving along and at least we are now waiting for our 171-H. That means, that when we receive that in the mail, (in about 8 to 10 weeks) we will be able to send our dossier to Ethiopia. That means we will then go on the official 3 - 9 month waiting list to receive our phone call about our precious baby girl.


Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

That's great news! It's so fun to actually be "doing" something. It makes you feel much more useful in this whole process - rather than just waiting!

LISA said...


Amanda and John said...

I know what you mean by stalking the mail man! I drive home on lunch everyday to check the mail for our form too!!

Angela said...

Awesome news! Mailman stalking is fun if you make a game out of it.

Teresa said...

Yay! Your dossier will be completed in no time!

atHisrighthand said...

I'll be thinking of you as you stalk your mailman. Phew. It is a tough job. I almost feel bored now that i don't need to anymore. Like a part of my routine is gone. :) I hope you get your "golden ticket" very soon!

Annie said...

Hope it comes soon and that you are pleasantly suprised!