Thursday, March 13, 2008

Great News Today On a Great Spring Day!

I was beginning to get impatient to hear that our Homestudy was not sent off to CIS yet. Well, just got the e-mail that our Homestudy is officially going out in tomorrows mail to CIS! Thank you LORD! Now, we have to hustle with the paper shuffle. Anyway, the last 2 days have been absolutely beautiful outside and Bradley has been playing outside nonstop the last 2 days. Can you see the artwork on the patio? And, my fish have survived their first winter with us, now if they just can survive the dogs!


LISA said...

Hey! Glad your HS is off!!! Wonderful weather here too! Love chalk drawings!!

Jessica and Eddie said...

That's great news. The weather here has been great. I hate to hear we are going to have a rainy weekend. Good luck--I love your blog layout.

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

Yeah! That's such a great feeling, to know that you are finally waiting for the last all important piece of paper! Hope it comes soon!

Mrs. Engelhardt said...

What great news! We've been on "the list" officially with WHFC since November 30th. They predicted a 1-6 month wait. We'll see! I'm so jealous of your beautiful weather!