Friday, September 11, 2009

We are off to Ethiopia!!!

One last post before we leave! We are super excited and so ready to go. Annsleigh, HERE WE COME!!!!!!! We leave tomorrow AM and dont think blogging will be too easy while we are gone. But, will update when we can!! Will be back on the 22nd. Keep us in your prayers!


Amanda said...

You will be in our thoughts. If you meet our Amalia, please give her a big hug from us. Tell her we love her and will see her soon! :)

Erica said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope you are able to post updates as I'll be watching closely as I am sure will be many others! You are definitely in my prayers!

Sherry said...

Praying for you!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY you are on your way!!!!!! Hope you have a great trip! Whoo Hoo!!!!

Annie said...

thinking of you and so glad that your time has finally come! It's Monday morning and it's so exciting to think that Annsleigh is already in your arms!

Special Delivery said...

YAY! I can't wait to hear about your trip and see more photos of your sweet babe!